Decrypt Inteno configuration files

This is an online form for decrypting the configuration file sent out by the ISP to Inteno CPE's / home routers.

Decryption failed!

\n"; } else { echo "

File not uploaded!

\n"; } if ( file_exists($decrypted_file) ) { unlink($decrypted_file); } } else { $deskey = ""; $info = pathinfo($file_name); ?>

Content of encrypted file:

\n"; $adminpassword = $xml->InternetGatewayDevice->X_BROADCOM_COM_LoginCfg->AdminPassword; if ($adminpassword && strlen($adminpassword) > 0) { echo "\n"; } $supportpassword = $xml->InternetGatewayDevice->X_BROADCOM_COM_LoginCfg->SupportPassword; if ($supportpassword && strlen($supportpassword) > 0) { echo "\n"; } $userpassword = $xml->InternetGatewayDevice->X_BROADCOM_COM_LoginCfg->UserPassword; if ($userpassword && strlen($userpassword) > 0) { echo "\n"; } $xml_prov_ver = $xml->InternetGatewayDevice->X_XAVI_COM_XmlProvisionCfg->X_XAVI_COM_XmlprovVersion; if ($xml_prov_ver && strlen($xml_prov_ver) > 0) { echo "\n"; } $xml_config = $xml->InternetGatewayDevice->X_XAVI_COM_XmlProvisionCfg->X_XAVI_COM_XmlprovTftpUrl; if ($xml_config && strlen($xml_config) > 0) { echo "\n"; } $firmware = $xml->InternetGatewayDevice->X_XAVI_COM_XmlProvisionCfg->X_XAVI_COM_XmlprovFWUrl; if ($firmware && strlen($firmware) > 0) { echo "\n"; } if (strlen($xml_config)> 0 || strlen($firmware) > 0) { echo "\n"; } for ($i=0; $xml->InternetGatewayDevice->Services->VoiceService->VoiceProfile->Line[$i] != null; $i++) { $login = $xml->InternetGatewayDevice->Services->VoiceService->VoiceProfile->Line[$i]->SIP->AuthUserName; $pass = $xml->InternetGatewayDevice->Services->VoiceService->VoiceProfile->Line[$i]->SIP->AuthPassword; if ($login && strlen($login) > 0) { echo "\n"; echo "\n"; } } for ($i=0; $xml->InternetGatewayDevice->X_BROADCOM_COM_IpAccCfg->X_BROADCOM_COM_IpAccListCfgObj[$i] != null; $i++) { $acl = $xml->InternetGatewayDevice->X_BROADCOM_COM_IpAccCfg->X_BROADCOM_COM_IpAccListCfgObj[$i]->AccAddress; $acl_mask = $xml->InternetGatewayDevice->X_BROADCOM_COM_IpAccCfg->X_BROADCOM_COM_IpAccListCfgObj[$i]->AccNetMask; if ($acl && strlen($acl) > 0) { echo "\n"; } } echo "
Admin password: " . base64_decode($adminpassword); echo " (This is plane text, it is encoded with base64 in the config file.)
Support password: " . base64_decode($supportpassword); echo " (This is plane text, it is encoded with base64 in the config file.)
User password: " . base64_decode($userpassword); echo " (This is plane text, it is encoded with base64 in the config file.)
XMLprov version: $xml_prov_ver
XML Config URL: http://" . str_replace(",", "/", $xml_config) . "
Firmware URL: http://" . str_replace(",", "/", $firmware) . "
http-user-agent:Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.0; .NET CLR 1.1.4322)
SIP" . ($i+1) . " login:$login / $pass
SIP Server: " . $xml->InternetGatewayDevice->Services->VoiceService->VoiceProfile->SIP->RegistrarServer . "
ACL: $acl / $acl_mask

\n"; # echo "

#		print_r($xml->InternetGatewayDevice);
#		echo "

"; } if (file_exists($encrypted_file)) { unlink($encrypted_file); } if (file_exists($decrypted_file)) { unlink($decrypted_file); } } ?>
Encrypted config file:
3DES key, 16 charachters:

(cc) Daniel Vindevåg 2016 (daniel_at_vindevag_dot_com) Creative CommonsLicense
Source Code.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.